Statistical Comparisons using SPSS
This practical workshop will help participants to choose and use the appropriate standard statistical test for their data by introducing key concepts of inferential statistics in SPSS. Participants will learn how to compute and interpret hypothesis tests for popular statistical models such as correlation, contingency tables, chi-square test, t-test and ANOVA.
Recommended Participants
Researchers wanting to understand how to choose the right statistical test for the context/condition and how to conduct the analysis by themselves using SPSS. The workshop is relevant for all disciplines, although examples and exercises will be based around clinical datasets.
N.B. Our new workshop "Statistical Comparisons for HASS" teaches the same statistical principles using example datasets from humanities and social sciences.
Attendees must provide their own SPSS licence (most QCIF member universities have institution-wide licences available for staff and students). Prior knowledge of SPSS is required (Introduction to SPSS workshop is highly recommended) as the basics of SPSS will not be covered.
Learning Objectives
Choose the right statistical test appropriate for the data and the research questions
Carry out inferential statistics in SPSS
Generate plots, figures and tables of hypothesis tests using the SPSS GUI
Interpret and report the results of a range of commonly-used statistical tests
An introduction to hypothesis testing terminology
Correlation analysis between two continuous variables
Statistical tests for both categorial and continuous variables
ANOVA – testing with more than two groups
Upcoming workshops