QRIScloud Data Storage Services
Storage classes
QRIScloud provides two data storage classes:
QRISdata Warp is QRIScloud’s storage service suited to active data sets. This service is for data sets that require low latency access to ensure data is readily accessible for data sharing and/or data analysis.
QRISdata Ark is QRIScloud’s storage service that is suited to infrequently accessed or archived data sets. This service is for data sets that are no longer active, or do not require fast access.
Service availability
QRIScloud has a service availability target of 98%, meaning that services are available, operating and accessible 98% of the time. Further, QRIScloud targets at least 95% of the maximum usable capacity is available to users, meaning that any point in time 5% of QRIScloud’s infrastructure may be offline, typically for maintenance activities.
Data centres
QRIScloud’s data storage services operate across two data centre sites, located at the Polaris Data Centre, Springfield and the University of Queensland’s St Lucia campus. Polaris is a Tier 3+ rated data centre with on-site, manned security, strict security access controls (including biometric controls), with video surveillance, and facility access logging. DC1 in the Prentice Centre at the University of Queensland has on-site, manned security, with strict access controls and video surveillance.
Access control
Access to QRIScloud’s storage services requires authentication using individual QRIScloud Service Access Credentials. These are suitably long and random system-generated credentials that are managed via the QRIScloud portal, which itself requires authentication via the Australian Access Federation (AAF) using an individual’s institutional credentials along with any multi-factor authentication process enforced by the home institution.
Collection custodians (or data owner) are able to self-manage who has access to their data sets, with the ability to grant and revoke read-write and/or read-only access to individuals.
Support for external collaborators
For users from non-AAF enabled organisations (e.g., overseas institutions, government or industry organisations), QRIScloud can establish AAF identities within its Virtual Home. Once created, users are able to access AAF authenticated services, including QRIScloud.
Data security
Data replication
QRISdata Ark collections have two copies of data maintained across two geographically distributed locations. Once new primary data is added to a QRISdata Ark collection, the data is replicated to the alternate location, within a target of 24 hours.
QRISdata Warp collections utilise the same backing storage as QRISdata Ark collections, however, they include an additional copy of the current versions of data files on disk storage, with a subset of a collection’s most active files also residing on a high-speed, parallel filesystem.
Modifications to an existing data file results in a new version for that file. Previous versions are retained for a period of at least six (6) months. Recovery and restoration of previous versions of data can be requested through the QRIScloud Help Desk.
Data encryption
Neither Warp or Ark provide data encryption at rest. Encryption in transit is provided through Secure Shell (SSH).
Included service
QRIScloud’s data storage services include two collection presentation mechanisms, namely:
Standard Access
qriscloud.org.au – this is an SSH end-point to enable collection access using SSH, SCP, SFTP, or rsync using desktop clients such as CyberDuck, FileZilla, WinSCP and ExpanDrive.
qld.edu.au – this enables read-only access to a collection with a permanent URL.
NFS mounting of collections to QRIScloud and UQ-operated HPC clusters for data analysis.
NFS mounting of collections to the Nectar Research Cloud.
Service pricing
Storage Service Member Pricing (per TB/year) Non-Member Pricing (per TB/year)
QRISdata Warp $463 $980
QRISdata Ark $93 $230