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Genome Annotation with Apollo

Genome annotation is crucial to defining the function of genomic sequences. This process typically involves a round of automated annotation followed by manual curation. Manual curation allows you to visualise your annotations so you can understand what your organism looks like, and then to manually refine these annotations along with any additional data you might have. This process is typically performed collaboratively as part of a team effort.

Apollo is a popular tool for facilitating real-time collaborative, manual curation and genome annotation editing. In this workshop we will learn how to use Apollo to refine genome annotations using example data from an E. coli strain. We’ll focus on the basics like getting data into Apollo, viewing evidence tracks, editing and adding structural and functional annotation, visualising the results and collaborating on genome annotations.

This workshop will make use of a training instance of  the new Australian Apollo Service. This service enables Australian-based research groups and consortia to access Apollo and host genome assembly and supporting evidence files for free, and is operated by QCIF and the Australian BioCommons on computational infrastructure from the Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre.

Recommended Participants

This workshop is for Australian researchers who have or will work on genome annotation and manual curation/editing as part of their projects. You should be familiar with the concepts of genome annotation and have, or soon have, genome annotation files that require manual annotation and curation.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this workshop you should be able to:

  • Upload data to Apollo

  • Visualise your genome and associated automated annotations 

  • Manually annotate genomes after automated annotations have been performed

  • Evaluate and visualise annotated genomic features

  • Use Apollo to collaborate on genome annotation

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