Rise to the HDR RDM challenge!
27 April 2020
What does your institution do with Higher Degree Research (HDR) students’ stored raw research data after they successfully complete their degree and leave the university?
That’s the question asked by the two University of Southern Queensland-based co-authors of a virtual poster about research data management (RDM) for HDRs.
The authors, Senior Research Librarian Dr Tricia Kelly and Manager (eResearch) Dr Francis Gacenga (who is also a USQ-based QCIF eResearch Analyst), are inviting comments about their poster “Data, data everywhere…and yet nowhere. RDM for HDRs”, and feedback about how other universities handle these data.
The aim of the poster is to generate discussion and interest in creating a standard solution to a common RDM issue experienced by most universities with HDR students.
USQ has implemented a temporary mini-archive solution to enable responsible management of HDR research data beyond the end of a research project. However, the authors note: “As this is an issue for all universities, the ideal would be to develop a best practice model that would become the basis of a standard aligned with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2018).”
People are invited to use the comments section of the virtual poster and share the practice of their institution for assisting HDRs to manage their research data beyond the completion of the degree. The question being: “What does your institution do with the HDR's research data that can't be shared but needs to be retained?”
The USQ poster was for the international Research Data Alliance’s 15th Plenary Meeting, held virtually from 18 March to 10 April 2020. The event was originally to be held in Melbourne last month but changed to a virtual event due to the COVID-19 pandemic.