Dr Sarah Williams
Senior Bioinformatician
Single cell, spatial and general transcriptomics, genomics, data exploration and visualisation
Sarah joined QCIF in May 2021 as a Senior Bioinformatician and has skills in some of the latest genomic techniques. She will work with the Galaxy Australia (bioinformatics platform) and the Apollo Portal (genome annotation platform) teams to help develop best-practice workflows for single-cell RNA-seq (Galaxy) and gene model curation (Apollo). Sarah also supports researchers at Griffith University, splitting her time between the Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery at Nathan and the Menzies Health Institute Queensland on the Gold Coast. She is participating in Griffith’s Hacky Hour. Sarah joined QCIF from Monash University where she spent the last five years working at its bioinformatics platform. Before that, she was with QCIF Bioinformatics’ predecessor, the Queensland Facility for Advanced Bioinformatics (QFAB), for more than two years.
Research Interests
Single cell RNAseq, especially in developmental contexts, including non-model organisms
Spatial RNAseq
Data exploration and visualisation
PhD in Bioinformatics/Molecular Biology, University of Queensland, 2016
Masters in Molecular Biology, University of Queensland, 2011
Bachelor Information Technology / Bachelor Applied Science, QUT, 2007