Dr Igor Makunin

Senior Bioinformatician
Comparative genomics and data analysis.
Igor joined QCIF in early 2019. He looks after user support for Galaxy Australia and provides bioinformatics support to our Members. Igor Makunin was trained as a genetics and molecular biologist.
In 2003, he switched to comparative genomics and non-coding RNA, and gradually migrated from the wet lab work into bioinformatics and analysis of high-throughput sequencing data. Igor has worked as a scientist at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research, The University of Queensland, Institute of Cytology and Genetics (Novosibirsk, Russia), the University of Geneva and the University of Cambridge.
He has more than 40 publications in peer-reviewed journals including Science, Genome Research, Genome Biology and Evolution, Molecular Biology and Evolution, BMC Genomics, Genetics, and Human Molecular Genetics.
Research Interests
Comparative genomics
Analysis of high-throughput sequencing data
PhD in Biology (1996)