QCIF training delivered online during COVID-19
27 April 2020

During the COVID-19 pandemic, all QCIF training will be conducted online until further notice.
“We are taking advantage of online training to offer an extended, more regular schedule of workshops,” said QCIF Training Manager Mark Crowe.
Upcoming online workshops include:
- Introduction to R
, 30 April–1 May (fully booked), and repeated on 12–13 May and 1–2 June
- Introduction to Python
, 26–28 May and repeated on 30 June–1 July
- Statistics for Comparisons using R
, 12 June and repeated monthly
- Exploring and Predicting Using Linear Regression in R
, 28 April and 11 May, then repeated monthly
- Longitudinal and Mixed Model Analysis in R
, 25 June, then repeated monthly
, 14 July.
Register for these workshops using the links above and check our Training Courses webpage for future workshops. We are currently reorganising our schedule to deal with the change to online training, so please bear with us if some of these sessions aren’t listed quite yet.
QCIF training is free for staff and students at our member universities, namely UQ, QUT, Griffith, USQ, JCU and CQU.
If you had previously booked a location-based training session, you will be emailed with further information about next steps.
QCIF has past experience with online training. QCIF’s CQU-based eResearch Analyst Jason Bell has delivered online training for several years due to the nationally distributed nature of the university’s campuses. Jason has shared his learnings internally with QCIF staff, and also nationally as the presenter of an ARDC webinar about delivering Software Carpentry workshops virtually.
QCIF has also in the last few years helped deliver national EMBL-ABR bioinformatics workshops as a hybrid training model involving remote online live instruction coupled with helpers based at local hubs working in person with workshop attendees.
“With the current COVID-19 lockdown, we are unfortunately unable to offer an in-person element to QCIF's workshops. However, with the lessons we’ve learnt from Jason and our experiences with the EMBL-ABR hybrid training, we’re confident we can deliver successful workshops that are fully online,” said Mark.
“Since moving to online workshops, we've already trained 120 researchers from all our member universities across Queensland. We have had very positive feedback from participants, and we are finding many benefits in the flexibility that online training provides.”
Please email training@qcif.edu.au if you have any questions about QCIF’s workshops.
See our separate story about Queensland’s Hacky Hours moving online.