QRIScloud continues upward trend in user survey results
16 June 2023
QCIF is continuing its year-on-year upwards trend of positive user feedback from its Members about their use of the ARDC Nectar Research Cloud.
QCIF operates the Queensland node of Nectar via our QRIScloud service.
Increased available capacity and improved reliability and performance, coupled with quality user support, were all mentioned in the ARDC 2022 Nectar user survey, which was completed last December.
The survey focused on Nectar users who had active project allocations during the preceding 12 months.
Ease of use, which in previous surveys had been an issue, did not feature in user feedback.
Descriptions of the service from QCIF Member researchers included the words “fantastic”, “excellent”, “straightforward”, “useful”, and “hassle-free”.
A few praised the resource’s performance, saying it was “fast” and “great”.
Others complimented the support provided by QCIF’s QRIScloud Help Desk. One said, “The support has been consistently prompt and helpful”. Another said, “Whilst the technology is leading-edge, what really stands out is the help provided by the staff and fellow users of Nectar."
Twenty-nine QCIF Member researchers participated in the survey. Of those, 20 ranked the Nectar service a 9 or 10 out of 10, the highest favourable response.
QCIF’s resulting Net Promoter Score (NPS)* was 69, compared to 60 in 2021 and 43.2 in 2020.
QCIF Shared Infrastructure Services Manager Stephen Bird said: “This is a tremendous result, both for QRIScloud and for Nectar as a whole, and helps to validate that we are doing the right things when it comes to both improving and adding services and capabilities.
“I would like to thank those who took the time to complete the survey and would encourage all those who are using QRIScloud and Nectar to add their voices to future surveys as the feedback is used in determining new capabilities for the research cloud.”
QCIF will continue to track ARDC’s annual Nectar user surveys to assess the impact of actions taken based on previous surveys, and to collect feedback to drive continuous improvement.
*The Net Promoter Score (NPS) system provides a measure of loyalty by asking one, simple question: “How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?” The answer is provided via a rating scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being “not at all likely” and 10 being “extremely likely”. Respondents are classified either as a Promoter (rating of 9 or 10), Passive (rating of 7 or 8), or Detractor (rating of 0 to 6). The NPS score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters, giving a possible NPS score between -100 and 100. An NPS score above 50 is regarded as excellent, and above about 30 is considered very good.