QCIF seeks casual training instructors
27 November 2020

QCIF is seeking casual training instructors for 2021 who are enthusiastic about helping researchers learn new digital skills.
This is a paid role and we welcome people from all research domains who are available to work two to six weekdays each month.
Ideally, potential instructors will have experience in one or more of the following: R, Python, Unix, Ruby, SQL, SPSS, Open Refine, REDCap, machine learning, sensitive data management, data visualisation, statistical analysis, and GIS.
As part of its training program for researchers, QCIF expects to continue running online workshops and hopes to reintroduce face-to-face training in 2021.
In-person workshops will either take place at QCIF’s headquarters on UQ’s St Lucia campus, or at QCIF’s other Queensland member universities, including QUT, Griffith, JCU, USQ, CQU and USC.
Instructors may teach workshops in their local area or travel to teach.
QCIF will support Python and R instructors to complete The Carpentries instructor training, if they wish, to gain a formal instructor certificate.
The Carpentries is a non-profit organisation teaching foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide. QCIF is a proud member of The Carpentries.
Please contact QCIF Skills Development Manager Dr Mark Crowe (mark.crowe@qcif.edu.au) if you are interested in becoming a casual training instructor.