QCIF helps create 22 more Carpentries instructors
13 December 2022

Last month, the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) refreshed the cohort of certified Carpentries digital research skills instructors nationwide, with a little help from QCIF.
QCIF Skills Development Manager Dr Mark Crowe instructed 22 trainees, alongside Sara King from AARNet, at The Carpentries instructor training online workshop across 8–11 November.
There were eight trainees from NSW, three from QLD, three from VIC, two from ACT, one from SA, four from the USA, and one from NZ.
Two of the Queensland trainees attended through QCIF as part of our membership of the Carpentries Partnership for Australia, coordinated by the ARDC. The pair were Isaac Jennings, QCIF’s new eResearch Analyst at Griffith University, and Veronika Schreiber, who was a member of QCIF’s casual training team before recently taking up a role with the Queensland Government.
Veronika hopes to run training courses in R for her new colleagues, while Isaac will be involved in QCIF R and Python workshops next year, along with other QCIF digital skills courses.
November’s instructor training workshop was organised by The Carpentries and was run primarily for the Carpentries Partnership for Australia, which currently includes 10 research or eResearch organisations. The partnership is one of the largest in the world and gives research institutions of all sizes in Australia access to instructor training for The Carpentries at a reduced rate.
The Carpentries is an international organisation that teaches foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.
Read the ARDC’s article about what motivates someone to join The Carpentries community.