QCIF announces two new JCU eResearch Analysts
29 August 2022

Dr Erin Graham and Pauline Lawrey have joined QCIF as eResearch Analysts based at James Cook University.
Pauline took up the role earlier this year, and Erin joined the team on 1 June 2022.
Both are based at JCU’s eResearch Centre in Townsville. Erin plans to visit JCU’s Cairns campus at least once a month to work in person with researchers there.
Pauline and Erin replace Dr Stefano Montanari who moved back to his home country, Italy, earlier this year.
QCIF Skills Development Manager Dr Mark Crowe welcomed the hiring of two QCIF eResearch Analysts (eRAs) for JCU. “We’re delighted to have not one but two new eResearch Analysts at JCU, especially eRAs with as much experience as Pauline and Erin,” Mark said.
“This extra level of support will really help ensure that JCU researchers can get maximum benefit from their membership of QCIF.
Both Erin and Pauline will assist in the promotion and support of QCIF services to JCU researchers, including research computing and digital skills training.
One of their first moves was to get JCU’s Hacky Hour up and running again and rename it “Research Hour”.
Researchers may attend Research Hour to ask or answer research-related IT questions. Popular topics for discussion include high-performance computing, cloud computing, general programming, R, Python, data processing, data storage, and data management.
Both Pauline and Erin attend Research Hour to offer their expertise.
JCU’s Research Hour operates online each Wednesday, 10am–11am (AEST), as a Zoom drop-in session.
About Dr Erin Graham
Erin began her career in IT before completing a PhD degree in Marine Biology at JCU in 2013. She then worked as a postdoctoral researcher for JCU’s eResearch Centre.
“I decided to join QCIF because it combines the two things I love doing most — helping other research scientists and learning new things!” Erin said.
“When I was an early-career researcher, I was fortunate to have access to knowledgeable peers who assisted me on my journey, and I learned the value in helping others. I’m looking forward to meeting new people and helping solve problems.”
Erin has experience in R and Python programming, is a long-term user of high-performance computing, and has familiarity with a wide range of statistical modelling, GIS and remote sensing techniques.
About Pauline Lawrey
Armed with a Computer Science degree from Canberra University, Pauline worked in IT for more than 20 years both nationally and internationally before joining JCU in 2016 as a part-time eResearch Analyst and casual IT consultant.
“I joined QCIF, almost full-time, as I was looking for challenging, interesting work that allows me to work with a variety of people and projects. I enjoy working with people and helping them to achieve their goals,” Pauline said.
“I’m looking forward to broadening my experience in data management and coming in contact with a lot of different research areas. There are always new things to learn, and I’m enjoying the training aspects of the role.
Pauline has skills in a variety of programming languages, including Python, Bash, and JavaScript, and has experience with research data transformation, access and transfer.
She has worked in Canberra, Sydney, Turkey and London as well as on remote projects with teams in Canada, the USA and New Zealand but is now happily settled in Townsville with family and pets.
JCU researchers who would like advice about QCIF’s services may contact Pauline or Erin: pauline.lawrey@jcu.edu.au and erin.graham@jcu.edu.au.
Please note for technical issues with QCIF’s cloud computing service QRIScloud, all researchers, including those from JCU, are advised to contact the QRIScloud support team: support@qriscloud.org.au.