QCIF announces new JCU eResearch Analyst
26 February 2021

Dr Stefano Montanari has joined QCIF as an eResearch Analyst based at James Cook University in Townsville.
Stefano is an eResearch Specialist within JCU’s eResearch Centre.
He will assist in the promotion and support of QCIF services to JCU researchers, including research computing and digital skills training.
Stefano, who completed his BSc, Honours and PhD in Marine Biology all at JCU, was previously an aquarist at the university’s Division of Tropical Environments and Societies.
“After a few years as an aquarist, I felt it was time for me to re-enter the research space,” he said.
“The eResearch Analyst position fits well with my interests in blockchain and decentralised ledgers. It’s a great mixture of social interaction, skills development and technical guidance.
“I look forward to helping QCIF onboard more users here at JCU and elsewhere. I wish to contribute actively to helping and educating researchers to move confidently in the ever-increasing complexity of data management and virtual computing.”
QCIF Skills Development Manager Dr Mark Crowe said Stefano’s knowledge and enthusiasm will be an asset to the team.
“Along with his strong research and computational background, Stefano is also very approachable. We’re delighted to have him as part of QCIF’s eResearch Analyst team to help us engage more effectively with researchers at JCU,” said Mark.
Stefano is originally from Milan, Italy. He moved to Australia in 2005 to study Marine Biology after a short-lived career in advertising.
His research interests include coral reefs, coral reef fishes and hybridisation.
JCU researchers who would like advice about QCIF’s services may contact Stefano: stefano.montanari1@jcu.edu.au.
Please note for technical issues with QCIF’s cloud computing service QRIScloud, all researchers, including those from JCU, are advised to contact the QRIScloud support team (support@qriscloud.org.au).