Liz Ryan joins QFAB
15 September 2022
Dr Elizabeth (Liz) Ryan has joined QFAB, QCIF’s bioinformatics arm, as a Senior Biostatistician.
Liz will help QFAB provide biostatistics support to QCIF members and partners. In particular, she will help deliver biostatistics clinics to the University of Queensland’s Faculty of Medicine. QFAB’s biostatistics clinics provide researchers with hands-on advice related to bioinformatics, biostatistics and biodata. Liz is appointed to QFAB through UQ’s Centre for Health Services Research. She is part of the Research and Statistical Support Service (RASSS) led by Associate Professor Jason Ferris to provide support to the UQ Faculty of Medicine. “Only two weeks since starting, Liz has already demonstrated her value to RASSS with her work on the Faculty of Medicine-led Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) application and developing training material on adaptive Bayesian clinical trials,” said Jason. “Her clinical trials expertise and strong Bayesian methods extend the core skills that RASSS has to offer the UQ Faculty of Medicine. We are extremely grateful to have Liz as part of our team,” Liz, who has a PhD in Bayesian experimental design from QUT, has returned to Australia after five years’ working in Britain. She arrives directly from her work of the last 2.5 years as a Senior Research Fellow on a UK Medical Research Council-funded project conducted at the Warwick Clinical Trials Unit, University of Warwick and the Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit, University of Birmingham. Prior to that, she spent 2.5 years as a statistician in the Biostatistics and Health Informatics Department at King's College London, where she worked on a number of clinical trials, cohort studies, screening studies, and epidemiological studies in mental health, neuroscience, surgery and pharmaceuticals. “I joined QFAB because of the broad range of biostatistics and bioinformatics work that they are involved in and the collaborations with different hospital research teams and universities,” said Liz. “I have always enjoyed medical statistics and I wanted to be a part of a group that is providing statistical support to those working in medical research. I am looking forward to working on a variety of biostatistics projects, learning some new statistical methodology, and working with different health research teams across Queensland.” QFAB Head of Biostatistics Dr Anne Bernard said Liz is a perfect fit for the team. “Her strong statistical background and experience in medical research, as well as her dedication to help others, will add great value to the support we are providing to all members and partners.” QFAB and QCIF warmly welcome Liz to the team. For biostatistics support, please either book an appointment, or email the QFAB team.