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This hands-on workshop introduces the concepts of RNA-Seq analysis, from data preparation through to statistical testing for differential gene expression, along with more advanced topics such as graphical summaries of data and functional analysis.

The workshop will focus on the use of Galaxy, a platform that provides a simple and user-friendly interface to bioinformatics tools.

Recommended Participants

Biologists and other life scientists planning to work with RNA-Seq data for differential gene expression. No prior bioinformatics knowledge is required.

Learning Objectives

  • Perform QC evaluation and filtering on next-generation sequencing data
  • Use the Galaxy interface to identify differentially expressed genes from a RNA-Seq experiment
  • Identify over-represented gene functions and pathways from a list of differentially expressed genes


  • The tools and workflows for RNA-seq analysis
  • Analysis of RNA-seq data for organisms with reference genomes
  • Graphical summaries of gene expression data

Upcoming workshops

RNA-Seq Analysis using Galaxy

29 April, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm


RNA-Seq Analysis using Galaxy

24 October, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
