Exploring and Predicting Using Linear Regression in SPSS
This workshop is designed to increase participants understanding of statistical relationships between data. It introduces principles and methods of regression models using SPSS, and how to interpret relationships between variables. The course covers basic principles of regression methods through to interpreting the output of statistical analyses, and also includes practical sessions giving hands-on experience with regression analysis in SPSS.
Recommended Participants
Researchers who wish to expand their skills into regression methods and who are considering using regression approaches in their research. The workshop is applicable for all disciplines, although examples and exercises will be based around biological datasets. Prior expertise with SPSS is required to a level equivalent of that provided by the “Introduction to SPSS” workshop, as the basics of SPSS will not be covered. Participants are expected to have a basic familiarity with the concepts of descriptive statistics and elementary statistical hypothesis testing.
Learning Objectives
Understand the principles of linear regression methods
Identify the appropriate correlation or regression analysis for a dataset
Carry out regression analysis using SPSS
Interpret and report on the results of that analysis
An introduction to continuous, discontinuous and categorical variables
Understanding the relationship between variables and plotting that relationship graphically
Calculating parametric and non-parametric correlation
Performing simple and multiple linear regression
Assumptions, errors, and what can go wrong in regression analysis
Upcoming workshops