Assembly of Long-Read Sequencing
This hands-on practical workshop is an introduction to long read next-generation sequencing data and using SMRTLink.
Recommended Participants
Biologists and other life scientists planning to work with long-read (PacBio) next-generation sequencing data for genome assembly
Learning Objectives
Perform QC evaluation and filtering on long read next-generation sequence data
Use SMRTLink to assemble genome
Visualise assembly using SMRTLink
Assess genome quality using BUSCO and Augustus
Export genome data files for downstream analysis
Introduction to long read next-generation sequencing data
Differences in genome assembly from short and long-read next-generation sequencing data
Using SMRTLink to manage sample data, perform quality control filtering and for genome assembly
Visualisation of assembled genome in SMRTLink
Export of genome for downstream analysis and assessment of genome completeness
Upcoming workshops