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Research Bazaar Queensland

22 February 2024




Griffith University Nathan Campus

Research Bazaar (ResBaz) is a worldwide festival promoting the digital literacy at the centre of modern research. Throughout 2022, events will be held at a number of university campuses around the world. Hosted in 2022 by Griffith University at its Nathan campus, the Queensland Research Bazaar (#ResBazQld) will be a three-day intensive conference where researchers will come together to up-skill in 'next-generation digital research tools and skills'. In the spirit of a marketplace or bazaar, ResBaz is a highly participatory event where researchers from many different disciplines can learn, share knowledge and skills, and have fun! Who should attend? Researchers at ALL levels from ALL disciplines. PhD candidates, research Masters students and early-career researchers are especially encouraged to attend. Research technologists and research software engineers who support researchers to do their job should also come along! Sessions at this year's ResBaz will offer a brief practical introduction to a broad selection of topics and tools related to digital research practice relevant across the disciplines. At the time of writing, a ResBazQld ticket was expected to cost $35, including access to all workshops, talks and activities, as well as food at breaktimes. Volunteers may attend for free. QCIF and Griffith University are the main organisers of ResBazQld 2022. More information | Register

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